Here you will find information on Restorative Circles Practice Groups being held around the world. Practice Groups are a great way to deepen your understanding of RC facilitation, and often involve the use of Semi-Simulated Restorative Circles (or 'practice Circles').
Local Restorative Circle Practice Groups
This list of practice groups is by no means complete, nor are we endorsing groups by listing them. The groups listed here have contacted us to let us know they are currently holding practice groups. If you would like your group listed here, please contact us at
Please note: at the request of some of those whose contact information is listed here, we are listing the e-mail addresses in a format that won't be readable by machines as an e-mail address. This helps those listed avoid receiving spam e-mails. To e-mail any of the addresses below, you will need to change the (at) in them to @ and remove the spaces in the address.
Ontario, Missisauga The meeting times and dates are decided by the participants at the end of every month, one month at a time. Contact: Cathy Veris cathyveris (at) aol . com
Ontario, Ottawa Meeting times vary, most often on Wednesday evenings 7pm - 9pm. Open to new members and guests with previous RC training. Contact: Pat Kerr patricia_kerr (at) yahoo . com or 613-874-2293
Ontario, Toronto Meets once per month, on a weekday evening from 6pm - 9pm Contact: torontorestorativecircles (at) yahoo . ca or Sam Czarny sczarny (at) sympatico . ca or 905-771-1100
Quebec, Montreal
French speaking.
Contact: Gina Cenciose gincen (at) sympatico . ca
Quebec, Montreal
French speaking group 'Codev-RC Montreal'.
Meets monthly for RC Lab.
Contact: Solange St-Pierre s.stpierre (at) videotron . ca
Eastern Canada Restorative Families Network
Gina Cenciose gincen (at) sympatico . ca
Shulamit shulamit.berlevtov (at) gmail . com
Valérie Lanctôt-Bédard vlanctotbedard (at) spiralis . ca
Arizona, Tucson
Meets every other Tuesday, 6pm - 8:30pm
Contact: Sande Levitz delightfire73 (at) gmail. com or call 520 404 5851
California, Oakland
Meets weekly, Thursday, 7pm - 9pm
Contact: Gail Claspell gailczone-rc (at) yahoo . com
California, SacramentoMeets weekly, Wednesday, 7pm - 9pm
Contact: Kristen Stubblefield kristu (at) comcast . net
Colorado, Boulder
Boulder Restorative Circles Practice Group
Contact: Ben Emery Email: benrestoring (at)
Tel: 412 841 4620
Florida, Sarasota
Meets every second Monday
Contact: Mercedes Frace on 941-539-7603
Georgia, Athens
Meets once a month, days and times flexible
Contact: Gaiea Goldberg gaieag (at) bellsouth . net 706 224 7816 or Aline Robolin alineyrobolin (at) yahoo . com
Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Meets the last Monday of the month at 7pm
Contact: Mikhail Lyubansky LyubanskyM (at) gmail . com
Michigan, Holland
Meets every other Tuesday from 7pm - 8:30pm
Contact: Ann McKnight annmck (at) sbcglobal . net or 616 403 7303
Minnesota, Minneapolis/St. Paul
Meets bi-weekly, Tuesday, 7pm - 9pm
Contact: John Myser johnmyser (at) me . com
New York, Rochester Meets forth Tuesday of every month.
Contact: Jude Lardner j_lardner (at) yahoo . com
Ohio, Columbus
Meets Mondays 1pm - 3pm; 1st and 3rd Thursdays 7pm - 9pm
Intended for people who have participated in local Introductions to RC and/or Facilitator Practice modules with Dominic Barter.
Contact: Amy Fischer Diener amy (at) nvcohio. org
Oregan, Ashland
Meets Weekly
Contact: Joanna Niemann joannawn (at) yahoo . com
Virginia, Richmond
Meets Monday or Wednesday afternoons, 1pm - 4pm
Contact: Sylvia Clute sylviaclute (at) gmail . com or call 804 231 6623
Washington, Seattle Meets second Thursday of each month, 7pm - 9pm at the Center for Spiritual Living. Contact: Andrea Brenneke Abrenneke (at) gmail . com
Washington, Vashon Island Meets second and forth Thursday of each month, 3:30pm - 5:30pm Contact: Barbara Larson barbaralarson (at) gmail . com
Wisconsin, Madison
Contact: contact (at) madisoncircles . org
Contact: Gabriele Grunt gabriele.grunt (at) utanet . at or call 43 650 53 678 21
Participants live in different parts of Belgium and take turns hosting. Currently French speaking.
Contact: Alice Fabianek Alice.Fabianek (at) gmail . com
Meets one Sunday each month
Contact: Nathalie & Dieudonné Dard cercles.restauratifs.33 (at) gmail . com or call +33 (0)5 56 87 81 59
Meets monthly
Contact: Jeanne Chapeau jeannechapeau (at) yahoo . fr
or call +33 (0)6 52 30 12 53
Meets on the third Saturday each month, 3pm - 6pm
Contact: Fabienne & Hinrich Lau info (at) kreisgespraeche . org
Meets on the first Wednesday each month, 7pm
Contact: Hannah Hartenberg hartenberg (at) gmx . de or call 040 7026217 / 0163 2010518
Meets twice a month - one Wednesday afternoon and one Monday evening
Contact: Verena and Ronald Preiss g-u-s (at) gmx . de
Meets on the third Sunday of each month
Contact: con-takt (at) gmx . de
Meets on Thursday evenings.
Contact: info (at) restorativecircles . nl
Bilthoven (near Utrecht) Meets on Tuesday evenings
Contact: info (at) restorativecircles . nl
Meets every 6 weeks
Contact: madhu (at) madhucoaching . nl
Meets monthly.
Contact: Ola Baginska kontakt (at) fundacjasr . org
Buenos Aires
Meets one Thursday per month (usually the 3rd Thursday)
Contact: Ronnie Hausheer tanguera (at) msn . com or call 4781 6110
Contact contact (at) restorativecircles . org for details
NSW, Sydney Meets monthly in Balmain, alternating Thursday and Sunday evenings, 6pm - 8pm.
Contact: Kate Raffin kate (at) kateraffin . com or call 61 2 9557 7986
Meets weekly, on Thursdays, between 4.30 and 6.30pm
Centre Field, Auroville
Open to those with prior RC experience.